The Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Committee is responsible for the coordinating and improving the clinical care provided by all levels of pre-hospital providers within TSA-E.
- Establish standing agenda items and corresponding responsibilities to address, and document in the committee SOP, the following topics:
- Professional Development
- Injury / Illness Prevention and Public Education
- Systems Performance Improvement
- Provide guidance in the development and review of hospital and pre-hospital assessment tools, regional plans and treatment guidelines, and the Committee SOP
- Provide interface with other RAC committees, professional associations appropriate to the service line, and the Governor’s EMS and Trauma Advisory Council (GETAC) and keep members informed on latest developments in prehospital transportation and care.
4th Quarter Meetings will be held at the Omni Hotel Fort Worth.
Meeting information has been posted to the GETAC webpage for the following committee meetings.
EMergency MEdical Services committee
November 24, 2024 at 10:30 AM
EMS medical directors committee
November 24, 2024 at 1:00 PM
ems education coMMITTEE
November 24, 2024 at 9:00 AM
Committee Chair
kevin sandifer
september 2024 – August 2025
Committee Chair Elect
Matthew Baker
september 2024 – August 2025
committee Co-Medical Directors
Dr. Mark Gamber and Dr. Justin Northeim
Current Projects and Initiatives

Regional Sepsis Alert Criteria
Implementation Recommendation
The Regional Sepsis Alert Criteria was recently approved and endorsed by NCTTRAC service-line committees and the NCTTRAC Board of Directors. With the completion of this final step, NCTTRAC is now recommending implementation of the Regional Sepsis Alert Criteria by pre-hospital providers.
The purpose of this criteria is to provide a regional sepsis activation template for pre-hospital providers to use with the support and approval of their EMS Medical Director. The activation criteria lists suspected sources of infection along with specific patient assessment and examination identifiers (vitals, signs, symptoms, PMH, etc.). If a patient meets the stated criteria, prehospital providers would be expected to report an incoming SEPSIS ALERT to the receiving facility – standardizing sepsis alert activations within the region and allowing for the prompt mobilization of medical resources.
The Regional Sepsis Alert Criteria was recently published in the November 2021 Journal of Emergency Medical Services (JEMS) article “Improving Outcomes in Sepsis” to further illustrate and inform emergency healthcare providers on how the North Central Texas region intends to expedite the care and treatment of sepsis patients.
As EMS providers begin to adopt and implement this criteria, the NCTTRAC ED Ops Committee plans to collect data to determine the interventional effectiveness of this criteria as well as develop similar guidance for hospital use in the activation of interfacility sepsis treatment teams.
Please follow the button to review the Board approved PDF version of the document.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the EHS Department at NCTTRAC_EHS@ncttrac.org.
EMS County Assistance
The following list provides the current standings of EMS Agencies within the NCTTRAC region that meet eligibility requirements for awarded funds. The qualifications include:
RAC Membership
- Including submission and approval of Application and Paid Dues
RAC EMS Affidavit
- Signed and Returned
Active Participation
- Attending RAC meetings, consisting of 6 meetings in 3 out of 4 quarters of the fiscal year
As a reference, the fiscal year time frames for NCTTRAC are as follows:
Quarter 1: September 1st – November 30th
Quarter 2: December 1st – February 28th
Quarter 3: March 1st – May 31st
Quarter 4: June 1st – August 31st
Agencies that meet all 3 of the qualifications by the end of this fiscal year will be receiving funds for the FY25 EMS County Assistance, due to contractual scheduling assigned by DSHS. Current FY25 Allocations are being distributed to agencies based on eligibility met in Fiscal Year 2023 (09/2022-08/2023) and Calendar Year 2022 (1/2022 – 12/2022).
If you have any questions concerning requirements or the current standings listed, please reach out to the EHS Department at NCTTRAC_EHS@ncttrac.org.
Instructional Video: Submission Process
*Website login is required to view*

Available Resource Opportunities
Below are resources available to your organization through NCTTRAC. This is being provided as a “One-Stop-Shop” to provide you with everything needed to acquire and/or implement the programs and/or initiatives listed below, including guidelines and training materials. Each resource includes a brief description of the program or asset, what groups are considered eligible recipients or enrollees, and the needed links for registration and submission – AND there is no cost involved.
Please click on the corresponding button below to be directed to the that specific resources information page.
If you have questions, please contact the NCTTRAC EHS Department at EHS2@ncttrac.org.
A NCTTRAC representative will contact you to schedule pick up. A signed Asset Transfer Form is required prior to release, please follow this link HERE to fill out. This form can be signed and emailed to logistics@ncttrac.org or signed by an authorized signer at the time of pickup. The Asset Transfer Form must be signed before distribution. If you already have an Asset Transfer Form on file, then you will not need to sign another one.
- Article: High-risk EMS procedure gets a low level of oversight
- EMS Local Projects Grant Program (DSHS)
- ImmTrac2 - Texas Immunization Registry
- National EMS Research Agenda
- NREMT News
- NREMT Sets Deadline for Paramedic Education Programs (EMS Insider Magazine)
- Stroke Regional Care Survey- EMS Portion
- Texas Administrative Code
- Texas Department of State Health Services - Governor's EMS & Trauma Advisory Council (GETAC)
- Texas Department of State Health Services - Listserv Home Page
- Texas EMS / Trauma Systems Policies (DSHS)
- The Importance of Calling 911 for Chest Pain