The Administration Department (Admin) is responsible for the coordination and maintenance of all membership activities, including contact management.  Admin also works closely with executive and/or management staff in essential internal activities to support business administration, communication and organizational planning.

NCTTRAC Administration maintains systematic accountability of organizational governance and project management activities e.g. Board and Committee SOPs, agendas, minutes, documents, and programmatic deliverables.  Current SOPs are provided within the DOCUMENTS module below or within each respective committee’s webpage.  NCTTRAC Regional Plans are available by clicking the links below, or visiting the specified committee’s webpage. You must be signed in to view the contents of these pages.

2023 Regional ACS System Plan

2023 Regional Stroke System Plan

2023 Regional Trauma System Plan

2023 Regional Perinatal Care System Plan

In addition to internal accountability, Admin manages and oversees the attendance records for NCTTRAC sponsored courses, events and meetings.  To view your organizations current membership status and/or meeting participation click HERE.
