Member Participation and Performance
Chiefs and Executives Dashboard
The NCTTRAC Chiefs and Executives Dashboard reflects the overall performance of each NCTTRAC member organization. The information contained within is sourced from NCTTRAC staff efforts to gather and maintain data on a wide variety of projects and initiatives throughout the year. Members will see information about their organization’s membership, active participation status, attendance in committee meetings, participation in data submission requests, the status of different agreements and contracts, and Hospital Preparedness Program (HPP) performance (if applicable). The Chiefs and Executives Dashboard allows member organizations to view their individual participation/performance status and to compare their own performance against other member organizations throughout TSA-E. Hospital performance with NCTTRAC is reported to DSHS via designation support letters for hospitals seeking designation (or re-designation) in Trauma, Stroke, Neonatal, or Maternal service lines. The version currently shown will allow you to view information for both the current Fiscal Year (FY24) and last Fiscal Year (FY23).
If you have questions about the NCTTRAC Chiefs and Executives Dashboard, please contact