september, 2019
17sep10:00 am12:00 pmPediatric Surge Task Force Meeting - Introduction
Event Details
Purpose: The Pediatric Surge Task Force is being established to draft a regional pediatric surge plan which can be used to guide and support a response during times of crisis.
Event Details
Purpose: The Pediatric Surge Task Force is being established to draft a regional pediatric surge plan which can be used to guide and support a response during times of crisis. The Pediatric Surge Plan is a federally mandated Hospital Preparedness Program grant deliverable and will be annexed into the TSA-E Regional Trauma System Plan through the Regional Medical Response Strategy. This joint task force will have representation from the Pediatric Committee, Perinatal Committee and the Regional Emergency Preparedness Committee. The Pediatric Surge Task Force will be led by Jennifer Turner, Director of Trauma and EMS at Medical City Children’s Hospital.
Focus: The Pediatric Surge Task Force will focus on creating a high-level response plan which identifies subject matter experts and specialized resources that exist within the Health Care Coalition. The task force will seek to understand regional baselines with regards to medical surge capacity and capability, age-appropriate medical supplies, specialty pediatric resources, and coordination mechanisms with dedicated children’s hospitals. Additionally, the plan will examine mechanisms and processes that can be used to determine proper destinations for a specialized segment of the patient population during times of disaster or medical surge.
Please join us for our initial Pediatric Surge Task Force Meeting on Sep 17, 2019 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM at:
NCTTRAC Offices Suite 150
600 Six Flags Dr
Arlington, TX 76011
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(Tuesday) 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
NCTTRAC Offices, Suite 150
600 Six Flags Dr., Arlington, TX 76011